This is the notes to Mike Bickle teaching Song of Songs at IHOP. For more resources please see links at the bottom of the page.
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7)
A. A foundational premise of God’s Kingdom is the Father’s promise to give Jesus an inheritance
that He knew Jesus would greatly desire. An aspect of His inheritance involves the mandatory
obedience of all creation. Jesus wants more than this. He longs for an eternal companion or a
Bride who voluntarily chooses to be equally yoked to Him in love (Eph. 5:31-32; Rev. 19:7-9).
B. The Bride of Christ is the great prize of all the ages that Jesus awaits. The affections of the
human heart are the most precious possession to God. Jesus died to redeem and thus, possess
human affections. The reason we were created and redeemed is to love Jesus with all our heart.
Satan attacks our hearts that we would not fully love God and thus, live as Jesus’ inheritance.
Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. (Prov. 4:23)
C. The Spirit is restoring the First Commandment to first place in the Body of Christ. It is the first
commandment because it is the first priority to God. It is not called the “first option”. Loving
God is an end in itself and is the highest lifestyle possible. It is the great commandment because
it always is great in the impact it has on God’s heart and our heart (eventually others).
Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and great commandment.” (Mt. 22:37-38)
D. The Church as His Bride will be prepared in this age before the Second Coming. The power of
the End-Time Church will be found in walking in the anointing to love God (Rev. 15:2-4). This
includes the supernatural ability to feel God’s love and then to feel love back to God.
For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. (Rev. 19:7)
E. The Bride is pictured as a beautiful rose and a pure lily whose primary life purpose and identity
is found in seeking to fully love (rose) and obey (lily) Jesus. The rose is chosen for its beauty and
fragrance as the chief of flowers. A lily speaks of purity. The valley speaks of the low and dark
places in this fallen world. She lives in purity in the midst of the dark valley of this fallen world.
I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys. (Song 2:1)
F. In poetic language, the Bride declares her primary life purpose and identity as being Jesus’
inheritance. The rose and the lily are the same people identified as the Bride in Song 2:2. The
king sees her as a lily among the thorns which like the valley speaks of sin. Thorns came forth as
the result of the curse of Adam’s sin (Gen. 3:17-18; Heb. 6:8).
Like a lily among thorns, so is My love among the daughters. (Song 2:2)
G. We are the rose and lily whose love and obedience arises as fragrance that intoxicates Jesus’
heart. We are the only prize Jesus longs for. The reason we were created and redeemed is to fully
love (rose) and obey (lily) Jesus as His inheritance and thus, to bring joy and pleasure to God.
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 2
IHOP-KC Mission Base
H. The Bride’s first confession was that she was dark in her heart but lovely to God through Jesus
(Song 1:5). She sees much more in seeing her purpose for her life in confessing, “I am Jesus’
desired inheritance.” This revelation only comes after seeing the truths in Song 1:12-17.
I. We must pray to receive revelation that we are the inheritance the Father promised the Son.
That the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation… that you may
know…what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints… (Eph. 1:17-18)
J. We cannot separate love and obedience. Jesus’ inheritance is a people who walk out their purity.
Our life choices are a real part of the Father’s plan to reward and honor His Son. God has made a
great investment in us by choosing us as the rose and lily that He is cultivating for Jesus. We are
the reward of His sufferings. Many believers mock the call to purity by dismissing it as legalism.
He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me… (Jn. 14:21)
K. Our identity is determined by the way we define value or measure success. “Who am I? How do
I become successful?” The issue of our function (ministry) is important but secondary to this.
L. Our primary identity (value/success) is found in who we are in our intimacy with God which
consists of being loved by God and in being a lover of God. I confess, “I am loved (by God) and
I am a lover (to God/others) therefore, I am successful.”
M. We find our identity or success in being desired by God and in loving Him instead of seeking our
primary value in how much we accomplish or the impact we make. We are most successful
because we are desired by God and love Him. We no longer need to fear being a failure.
N. Our primary identity is not what we do with our hands but what we pursue with our hearts.
Seeing that we are His rose and lily breaks a sense of purposelessness, failure and inferiority.
We measure our success in context to how much we grow in our intimacy with God by loving
and obeying Him. It takes revelation to see the nobility of loving God and how it matters to Him.
O. We must agree with God’s definition of success. Many agree with lies about what success is and
thus, feel like a failure and live aimlessly. They focus mostly on externals (what they do and
possess) instead of internals (who they are to be in their hearts). They view their life in context to
their struggle and lack of impact. Jesus corrected those who put their ministry before loving God.
You have labored for My name…4 I have this against you, you have left your first love. 5
Remember from where you have fallen; repent or I will…remove your lampstand. (Rev. 2:3-5)
P. Paul taught the truths of Song 2:1 in teaching that we are betrothed (engaged) to Jesus and live in
devotion to Him. Our ultimate destiny in this age is to walk out a lifestyle as His inheritance.
For I betrothed you to one husband, that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin. 3 I
am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray
from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ (2 Cor 11:2-3, NAS)
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 3
IHOP-KC Mission Base
A. The Bride declares that Jesus alone is the apple tree who refreshes (fully satisfies) the heart.
Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my Beloved among the sons.
(Song 2:3a)
B. The apple tree speaks of that which refreshes.
Refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick. (Song 2:5)
C. There is only One who refreshes the human spirit at the highest level. When we receive the
revelation of Jesus as an apple tree or as the primary source that satisfies our heart then we seek
Him with all our heart. This is a foundational truth in marriage, business and ministry. Jesus is
more than the savior who forgives or the healer and provider. He is the apple tree that satisfies.
In vain, some transfer the primary source of their joy to their ministry, money and relationships.
D. Jesus is like an apple tree among all the great men of the earth. The trees of the woods speak
symbolically of the great men of the earth who tower over others as lofty trees (Dan. 4:10-14).
The day of the LORD of hosts shall come upon everything proud and lofty…13 on all the
cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up, and on all the oaks of Bashan… (Isa. 2:12-13)
A. Jesus declared the wisdom of Mary’s life as she sat at His feet. Mary is described three times in
Scripture. Each time she is sitting at Jesus’ feet (Lk. 10:39; Jn. 11:32; 12:3). Jesus forever settled
the debate about the importance of sitting at His feet by calling it the “one thing needed” and
choosing the “good” way to live (v. 42). She took seriously the call to live with extravagant
devotion. We must choose this part. No one can choose it for us. That good part will not be taken
away from Mary. Her decisions had eternal implications in being remembered by Jesus forever.
Mary…sat at Jesus' feet and heard His Word. 41 Jesus answered, "One thing is needed,
and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Lk. 10:39-42)
B. Like Mary of Bethany who sat at Jesus’ feet, we must sit before Jesus and experience His
refreshing shade that protects us from the scorching heat of this fallen age. One of the greatest
pleasures available to the human spirit comes as we feed on His Word and feel His presence. The
Word brings delight and is sweet to all who will continually feast on Jesus in spirit and truth.
I sat down in His shade with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste. (Song 2:3b)
C. She asked, “Where will You feed your flock?” (Song 1:7). She had been feasting at the King’s
table on God’s love as seen in Song 1:12-17. The cross is the only tree that can shade from the
scorching heat of our sin. We only enjoy the shade of God’s Word by resting in the shade of
Jesus’ cross. We cannot rest in our achievements by relating to God based on our maturity.
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 4
IHOP-KC Mission Base
D. We must have a vision to be regularly exhilarated by the Word by pray-reading (meditating) it.
Our inheritance is to experience the sweetness of the Word of God. This is for all believers not
just a few. There is a sweetness that is within reach of every believer. We will never experience
the delight and refreshing of Jesus as the apple tree without sitting long hours in the shade of the
apple tree by feeding on His Word by the help of the Holy Spirit.
E. We put our cold heart before the bonfire of God’s presence by seeking Him in the Word. We can
feed on the Word even in the presence of our enemies (sin, disappointment, difficulty, etc.).
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies... (Ps. 23:5)
F. We must enjoy our relationship with God if we are to mature consistently. We can persevere
through great difficulties if we find delight in His presence. A lover will always outwork a
worker. When a worker becomes a lover, their paradigm about the work changes greatly. I have
not seen anyone seek God diligently for decades without enjoying Him in the Word.
He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love. (Song 2:4)
A. In the ancient world, an army would march in battalions under a specific flag or banner. Each
unit had their own banner that was meant to clearly identify them. The banner or flag over our
life that identifies who we are and where we are going in our life is Jesus’ good leadership (wise,
loving and powerful) that leads us to grow in love and in our identity as His inheritance (Bride).
B. We are called to feast at God’s banqueting table. The fulfillment of this ultimately occurs at the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev.19:7). Jesus wants us to enjoy tokens of that “Wedding
Table” in this age by the power of the Word and the Spirit. This is translated by some as the
“house of wine” because it refers to the celebration of God’s love.
C. Jesus has a good and specific plan for each believer. It is to bring us to His banqueting house or
to where we celebrate His love. His primary goal in His leadership over our life is to bring us to
the banqueting house to celebrate His love for us and our love for Him. We may not know the
details as to where Jesus is leading our ministries. Make no mistake about it, He is first leading
us so that we feed at the “Wedding Table” or on truths about our identity as the Bride of Christ.
D. Jesus’ goal in His leadership over us is to lead us in a way that reveals His love to us as well as
imparting it in us. He is determined that we grow in love, meekness and revelation. God’s plan
and first priority for our life is much bigger than our comfort or our function in ministry. There is
great confusion in many because they think His banner over their life is comfort in this age.
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 5
IHOP-KC Mission Base
E. Jesus wants us to be strengthened in the revelation that we are His inheritance with our primary
identity in being a lover of God. This occurs as He feeds us on His Word related to the “Wedding
Table”. He may “bring to us to the table” by giving us a dream or a vision that excites our heart
about His love. He may give us the joy of a new friendship that ministers God’s life to our heart.
F. Jesus manifests His banner of leadership over us in various ways. First, His banner over us is His
lovingkindness (mercy). When we fail, the banner over our life is confidence in His mercy not
the fear of being rejected by God. We confess, “His banner over me is love even when I fail.”
Second, His banner over us speaks of His ability to overrule the negative circumstances in our
life by causing everything for our good (Rom. 8:28). The banner over us is His goodness in not
being neglected by God. Third, the banner over us is to be exhilarated in God’s love instead of
being deceived with the false comfort of sin.
G. He brings us to the table using both positive and negative ways because He is jealous to remove
everything that hinders love in us. First, the positive way in voluntarily following His leadership
to the banqueting house by feeding on and obeying His Word. Second, the negative way is seen
in resisting His leadership as He seeks to take us to the banqueting house. Thus, He is forced to
discipline us by exposing our sin, taking things from us and shutting doors that frustrate us.
A. The Bride’s experiences at the “Wedding Table” awaken a greater desire in her to go deeper in
God. They cause her to be lovesick as she cries out to God to be sustained and refreshed by
giving her more of His presence and Word.
Sustain me with cakes of raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am lovesick. (Song 2:5)
B. As the apples speak of the refreshing of Jesus (Song 2:3), so the raisins speak of the ministry of
the Spirit since they are dried grapes. Grapes symbolically point to the wine of the Spirit. In
other words, she cries, “Sustain me with more of the Spirit and refresh me with more of Jesus.”
C. We are called to live lovesick for God. This caused us to have deep and even painful feeling of
love and longing for more of Jesus. When we touch this, we can never go back to “business as
usual” in our walk with God. She is ruined. I will mention two aspects of spiritual lovesickness.
1. First, “feelings of love” that are very strong. We love to feel love for God.
2. Second, “spiritual hunger pains” that come because of her life vision to walk in all that
God has for the human heart in this age. God does not immediately satisfy this in us.
Thus, we have a painful even agonizing hunger. Lovesickness will not be satisfied with
anything less than persevering. These desperate hunger pains are proof that we have been
touched by God.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Mt. 5:4)
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 6
IHOP-KC Mission Base
His left hand is under my head, and His right hand embraces me. (Song 2:6)
A. The Bride understands God’s 2-fold activity in her life, the right and left hand of God. The left
hand of God speaks of the activity of God that we cannot see. It is under the head therefore, it is
out of view. The Lord does many things for us that we do not see. He withholds and releases
many things to bless, provide and protect us. He spares us from troubles that we are not ever
aware of in this age. For example, we have been delivered from accidents we did not discern.
B. The right hand of God speaks of the visible or discernable activity of God. The idea is that
Solomon stood in front of the Bride to embrace her. She can see and feel it. This speaks of the
“sweet” manifest presence of God that can be felt and discerned. At times, we feel our heart
tenderized by the working of God’s right hand.
I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, do not stir up
(disturb) nor awaken love until it pleases. (Song 2:7)
A. The Holy Spirit speaks here. He has ordained strategic seasons in each person’s spiritual life.
There are seasons, where He desires to establish our heart in new and deep revelations of His
heart. The Spirit’s agenda for the Bride in this season was to awaken lovesickness in her as she
went deep in the Word as she fed on apples and grapes at the banqueting house (Song 2:3-5).
Many do not see the necessity of dedicating seasons of their life to go deep in God and His
Word. John was told to eat the scroll or to understand God’s Word in a deep way (Rev. 10:9-11).
B. The daughters of Jerusalem represent believers who lack discernment of the various operations
of the Spirit and the different seasons in God. The Spirit solemnly charges other believers to not
disrupt or disturb the devoted ones with the Bride’s heart in this season by their opinions and
judgments. We can trust Jesus to disturb us when the seasons change as seen clearly in Song 2:8.
The Spirit tells those who were insensitive to the ways of the Spirit to not disturb the Bride from
this particular season of sitting at the table to be sustained and refreshed by the Word and the
Spirit. Many only have one counsel; that is to seek God less and increase in ministry activity.
C. Solomon charged them by the gazelles or by the does of the field (Song 2:7). By the gazelles or
the does” speaks of the importance of gentleness and sensitivity in relating to the young Bride in
this season. A gazelle or doe has a sensitive nature and can be easily startled. Many are easily
distracted from the Word. We must have sensitivity in relating to others in different seasons.
Studies in the Song of Solomon: Progression of Holy Passion (2007) – MIKE BICKLE
Session 12 The Bride’s Identity and Life Purpose (Song 2:1-7) PAGE 7
IHOP-KC Mission Base
D. In the phrase, “Until it pleases”, the Hebrew can be translated as it, he or she. The NAS
accurately translates the phrase as “Don't awaken love until she pleases” instead of “until it
pleases.” If the Hebrew was translated “He” it would refer to the Lord being stirred to action by
the daughters of Jerusalem. The Lord has no need for this nor does He need to be protected by
the gentleness pictured by the gazelles. It is the Bride that must be protected from distraction.
Three times Jesus speaks this phrase, “Don’t arouse or awaken my love until it pleases.” (2:7;
3:5; 8:4). In 8:4, He uses the same phrase “don’t disturb her”. He embraces her like the other 2
times. However in this third reference, He omits the phrase “by the gazelles of the field” because
she is no longer immature and easily tossed to and fro (Eph. 4:14).
A. When we worship or when we are tempted we proclaim the 7 different confessions of the Bride
in (Song 2:1-7): I am the rose of Sharon (2:1); I am the lily of the valleys (2:1); like an apple tree
so is Jesus among men (2:3a); I sat down in His shade with great delight, and His fruit was sweet
to my taste (2:3b); Jesus brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love
(2:4); I am lovesick (2:5); His left hand is under my head, and his right hand embraces me (2:6).
1. I am the rose of Sharon (Song 2:1)
2. I am the lily of the valleys (Song 2:1)
3. Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my Beloved among the sons (Song
4. I sat down in his shade with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste (Song 2:3b)
5. He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love (Song 2:4)
6. I am lovesick (Song 2:5)
7. His left hand is under my head, and his right hand embraces me. (Song 2:6)
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