Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mike Bickle Song of Songs Notes - vii

This is the notes to Mike Bickle teaching on The Song of Songs at IHOP see links below to other previous session notes.

Session 7 The Fragrance of Jesus (Song 1:3)
A. The theme of the Song is the Bride’s cry for the kiss of God’s Word to touch the deepest place in
her heart. This refers to encountering the Word in the deepest and most intimate way. In other
words, the Word reveals the King’s emotions for His Bride and awakens our heart in the 3-fold
love of God (love from God then for God which overflows to others).
Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth-- for Your love is better than wine (Song 1:2).
B. She experiences the superior pleasure of encountering Jesus. His love (affection) “is better than”
or “is more delightful than” (NIV) the inferior pleasures of sin (the wine of this fallen world).
C. “Affection-based obedience” is obedience that flows from experiencing Jesus’ affection for us
and then giving it back to Him. It is the strongest kind of obedience. It results in the deepest and
most consistent obedience. A lovesick person endures anything for love.
D. “Duty-based obedience” is obedience that does not feel God’s presence. God’s Word requires
that we obey God even when we do not feel inspired to do so.
E. “Fear-based obedience” or “shame-based obedience” is obedience that flows from the fear of
being put to shame or the fear of suffering negative consequences. This is biblical. It is not
enough to motivate us to consistently resist the pleasures of sin for many years.

Because of the fragrance of Your good ointments (perfumes, NIV), Your Name is ointment (perfume,
NIV) poured forth; therefore the virgins love You. (Song 1:3)
A. The fragrance of a rose comes from its internal properties and qualities. In a similar way, the
King’s perfume in the Song speaks symbolically of His internal life or what He thinks and feels.
God’s perfume speaks of His thought life and emotional make-up, especially His affection for
His people. The Bride enjoys the sweet perfume of God’s affection. When perfume is in the air it
can powerfully stir our heart. We feel its impact without being able to see it or take hold of it.
B. Paul spoke of the fragrance of Jesus. It is figurative for the knowledge of God. It is also literal.
The fragrances around God’s Throne are surely awesome. All heaven can smell them forever.
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the
fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Cor. 2:14)
C. Its use of perfume in the Song is reasonable since it speaks of love in context to a bridal
metaphor. She is saying, “Because of Your perfumes my heart is stirred. If a scientist was to
express excitement in God, they might write, “Because You are so brilliant, my heart is stirred.”

D. The Bride is saying, “Because of the fragrance of Jesus’ good perfumes (His internal qualities)
two significant things will occur throughout history.
E. First, God will pour Jesus’ Name forth or He will exalt and reveal it in the nations. God has
chosen to pour forth only one Name. Why? Because Jesus’ life is a good perfume before God.
She understood that Jesus’ name will ultimately be the supreme reality over all the earth.
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every
name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow… (Phil. 2:9-10)
1. When God pours forth Jesus’ name, He openly reveals it or draws attention to His beauty
or character. God will highly exalt Jesus’ name by filling the earth with it.
The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord… (Hab. 2:14)
2. God will pour forth Jesus’ name in the Church by filling it with the knowledge of Jesus.
He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets…13 till we all come to the unity
of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God… (Eph. 4:11-13)
F. Second, we will love Jesus more as God pours forth or reveals the beauty of His name to us.
A. The Church will love Jesus as the Father pours forth or reveals more of the beauty of His name.
The Bride knows that the beauty of Jesus will cause all believers (virgins) to love Jesus. God’s
name is like good perfume. Its mystery, beauty and wonder powerfully impact us.
Your Name is ointment (perfume) poured forth; therefore the virgins love You. (Song 1:3)
B. The virgins speak of the daughters of Jerusalem in the Song. They are genuine yet immature
believers who seek Jesus throughout the Song but are never fully committed as the Bride is. All
the Church will eventually become extravagant lovers of Jesus even if not so until eternity.
C. She understands how God changes the human heart. There is only one “perfumed name” that
effectively transforms us. Do you see Jesus’ name is a “perfumed name” that can change the
most broken and spiritually dull person to an extravagant lover of God? If you do, then you will
do anything to know more about that Name. This is the only Name that causes us to love God.
In that day (End-Times) the Branch of the LORD (Jesus) shall be beautiful… (Isa. 4:2)
D. When God reveals God to the human spirit it exhilarates us. There is nothing more powerful or
pleasurable than when God reveals God to the human spirit. To understand Jesus more is to love
and enjoy Him more. Our zeal for Jesus is strengthened by receiving the knowledge of God. This
motivated Paul to suffer loss and endure hardship.
I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus… (Phil. 3:8)

E. Jesus declares the Father’s name (personality) to awaken our hearts to love God. We will love
Jesus with the love which the Father loves Him. Loving Jesus in the overflow of the Father’s
affection for Jesus is our inheritance, our destiny. There is nothing more glorious than loving
God by the power of God. The Bride will love Jesus just as the Father loves Jesus.
I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved
Me may be in them, and I in them. (Jn. 17:26)
F. Jesus the “ultimate psychologist” gives us insight on how the human heart works. He explained
to Simon that when people experience much forgiveness, they overflow with much love.
I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little
is forgiven, the same loves little." (Luke 7:47)
G. Satan accuses God in people’s hearts as he convinces them that God is like a cruel father. He
tells many they are rejected by God so they run from God instead of to Him in weakness.
H. The Christian life is a life of being loved and enjoyed by God. This is more exhilarating than any
pleasure, position, or possession. She understands the impact of encountering God’s emotions.
I. The revelation of God’s affections militates against our pride and religious formalism. It causes
us to grow in gratitude instead of pride and it renews our love so we do not merely go through
the motions or mechanics in our spiritual life.
J. I wrote a book called Passion For Jesus, therefore, I am regularly asked, “How do we grow in
passion for Jesus?” The answer is simple and straight forward. We do this by understanding the
passion of God’s heart for us. The revelation of God’s desire empowers us to desire God. If you
want to love God more then fill your mind with truths related to His love (affection) for you.
K. The whole earth is currently full of the glory or beauty of Jesus. It takes the spirit of revelation to
see the perfume or glory of God which is manifested in the natural in many places.
One (seraphim) cried to another and said: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole
earth is full of His glory!" (Isa. 6:3)
L. David lived with a spirit of revelation so he saw God’s beauty even when he looked at the sky.
The heavens declare the glory of God…2 Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night
reveals knowledge…4 Their line has gone out through all the earth… (Ps. 19:1-4)
M. Throughout the Song the perfume of God is imparted to the Bride. His perfume becomes her
perfume. The turning point in the Song is in Song 4:16. The Bride prays for winds to blow on the
garden of her heart that God’s perfumes would be imparted to her, that she would feel like God
feels. We may study the progression of God’s perfume in the Bride throughout the Song. She
discerns His perfumes and they are imparted to her in a progressive way.
Awake, O north wind, And come, O south! Blow upon my garden, that its spices may flow
out. Let my Beloved come to His garden and eat its pleasant fruits. (Song 4:16)

A. Jesus emphasized the sweet perfume of the Father’s affection and personality (Lk. 15:20). This is
one of the most comprehensive yet concise statements of God's emotional make up in Scripture.
We rest in the God who sees, feels, runs and embraces and kisses our heart.
And he arose and came to his father. When he was still a great way off, his father saw him
and had compassion, and ran and fell on (embraced) his neck and kissed him. (Lk. 15:20).
B. The father saw the prodigal son – God’s view of His people
C. The father felt compassion for the prodigal son – God’s tenderness for His people
D. The father ran towards the prodigal son – God’s action and initiative for His people
E. The father embraced the prodigal son – God’s affection for His people
F. The father kissed the prodigal son – God’s desire for nearness with His people
A. First, we learn these truths. Informing our intellect is significant but it is only a starting point. No
one would go to a famous restaurant to merely study the menu. It is not enough to be a
connoisseur of the Song of Solomon, we must allow this book to fill our heart.
B. Second, these become revelation in our heart as we speak them back to God. We must engage in
long and loving meditation on the Song with a hungry and honest heart before God. If we are to
receive the full benefit of the Song, we must turn it into an on-going affectionate prayerful
dialogue with Jesus. It is not enough to only study the Song without going to the next step of
turning it into a prayer dialogue. The language of the Song must get into our prayer life and
thought life before it will transform our emotions.
C. I have about 10 phrases that have become deeply personal to me. In my early days, I wrote them
on postcards to use when I drove or took a walk. I slowly whispered them to Jesus. For example,
“Father, let Him kiss me with His Word” or “Spirit, sustain me, refresh me” (Song 1:2; 2:5).
D. Confess that His affections are better than the wine of this fallen world. Declare that the
fragrance of His good perfumes (the personality of God) make you love Him.
E. Take time to journal by writing down your thoughts, prayers and meditations as you “pray-read”
through the Song. This will help you to capture the truths that the Lord puts on your heart.

For more info see IHOP’s website: Session 2 Encountering Jesus in the Song and Perfume of God in the Song

Song of Songs Notes - viii
Mike Bickle Song of Songs Transcript - 1
Listen to MP3

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